Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Facebook Social Media Marketing

Facebook Social Media Marketing in Penang

Are you looking for Facebook Social Media Marketing in Malaysia? Our company is based on Penang. Call us at 010-3914268 for FREE social media marketing consultation. We provide modern web design, online digital marketing or social media marketing service in Penang, Malaysia.

The average American spends 37 minutes per day on social media. That amounts to 217 hours or 9 days — almost a week and a half — over the course of a year.

That alone is enough reason for any business to jump on the social media marketing train; however, it’s important to consider that investing yourself in social media is extremely time consuming. Living the busy life of a small business owner, dedicating the time and resources necessary to successfully advertise your business on social media can be costly.

But that doesn’t mean you should avoid social media marketing for your small business altogether. Doing so would set you back in the digital age and you would be missing out on an entirely new audience.

Still not sold? Consider these four reasons why you should be using social media marketing for you small business:

Your competitors are probably investing in social media

According to this article, 8 out of 10 small businesses use social media to drive growth while 3 of 5 small businesses have gained customers through social media. Given the popularity of social media among small businesses and the likelihood of someone buying from a brand they follow, you will want to make sure you’re not lacking your competitors online. Even if your competitors have yet to embrace social media marketing, this is the time for you to kill your silence — get ahead of them while you can.

Social media marketing is referring to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social actions. Call us at 010-3914268 for we will help you set up your social media accounts, manage your online marketing campaign to help you grow your business.

The post Facebook Social Media Marketing appeared first on Jacky Web Design.


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